Plain Values
One Minute with Marlin
Humility and Service
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -3:28

Humility and Service

One Minute with Marlin

If I asked you if the God of the universe has the right to be proud or arrogant about being the God of the universe, I think we know the answer is a resounding “yes.” We can all agree that He’s earned that right. But have you ever considered the possibility that God could be humble? When Jesus finished washing the feet of his disciples, Philip asked him to show them the Father. “Jesus said to him, ‘Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.’” Read it again in John 14 verses 8 and 9. 

Washing someone’s feet is one of the humblest acts we can do for another person. Jesus (God in human form) washes twelve other men’s feet, and then says that about God the Father. That is almost too much for me to fathom! Diving in deeper, it becomes clearer as you read of His concern for the needy and the poor. “For the cause of the oppressed and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise," says the LORD. "I will bring safety to him who yearns.”

All my bones will exclaim, “Who is like You, O LORD, who delivers the afflicted from the aggressor, the poor and needy from the robber?” All of a sudden, it makes sense when James says in chapter 4 that, “He gives us more grace. This is why it says: ‘God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’” And in Psalm 138:6 the winter tell us that, “Though the LORD is on high, He attends to the lowly; but the proud He knows from afar.”

Our God has a humble heart! He can identify with the lowly because He is humble. Why does He tell us to be holy? Because he is holy! Why does He tell us to be merciful? Because He is merciful! Why does He tell us to be humble? Because He is humble! 

Look at who Jesus mentioned when he quoted Isaiah about being anointed to proclaim good news to the poor, the captives that are to be released, the blind that will see again, and the oppressed that will be empowered. These are society’s despised and most looked down upon! Jesus makes sure to tell the lowest the good news first because they are the ones he identifies with the most. This is the connection we share to all people everywhere from all of time… we are blind and taken captive, we are poor and oppressed. In one way or another we are all messed up, some just hide it better than others! 

He has fashioned mankind to be humble because He is humble…I’ll leave you with one more question. Which is the greater king? The one who never comes down from his palace to associate with his people? Or the one who, after the day’s responsibilities, puts on common clothes and walks the streets investing time with his people? 

As always, may you find joy in the simple things,

Marlin Miller

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